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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fried rice with chicken sausages.

    Hi!  Hisociety.  Nice to see you again for this post.  We would like to present about food.  Do you know what's the food?  Of course, Fried rice.  It's very simple and easy to cook.
     This is a good dish for your breakfast, lunch and dinner or whenever you're hungry.
     Sure, many foreigners like to eat it.  You can cook or eat anytime or anywhere of your choice.
     We will teach you how to cook it.  Are you ready?
     Please take a look and enjoy our blog. 

Let's see .. . 

Step 1  Put oil into the pan.

    Step 2  Add the chopped garlic, then add chicken sausages, wait for them to become tender for about 30 seconds.

Step 3  Then add cooked rice and cook it.

 Step 4  Then add egg and cook it together.

Step 5  Add kale, tomato and onion.

Step 6  Put sugar, fish sauce and chicken flauor seasoning.

Step 7  Mix them well and put on the dish.

Step 8  Serve with slices of cucumber and lime.

     If you want to cook Fried rice, you can use not just sausages. You can change it to any meat of you choice.